John Williams - Star Wars Theme (Live, 1984) (HQ áudio)


John Towner Williams (born February 8, 1932) is an American composer, conductor, pianist and trombonist. Regarded by many as the greatest film composer of all time, he has composed some of the most popular, recognizable, and critically acclaimed film scores in cinematic history in a career spanning over six decades. Williams has won 25 Grammy Awards, seven British Academy Film Awards, five Academy Awards, and four Golden Globe Awards. With 52 Academy Award nominations, he is the second most-nominated individual, after Walt Disney. In 2005 the American Film Institute selected Williams's score to 1977's Star Wars as the greatest film score of all time. The Library of Congress also entered the Star Wars soundtrack into the National Recording Registry for being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant".

BBC News - This is more evidence for the idea that Muslims are stupid fucking assholes.

Niger: American hostage rescued by US special forces

3 hours ago
A map showing Niger

An American hostage kidnapped in Niger earlier this week has been freed in a raid by US special forces, the Pentagon has announced.

Philip Walton was abducted on Monday from a village close to the border with Nigeria.

He was taken across the border into Nigeria and rescued on Saturday.

Jihadist and criminal groups are known to operate in the area. It's thought at least six hostages are currently being held captive in the Sahel area.

Mr Walton was abducted from the village of Massalata, where he had been living with his wife and child for two years, his father told AFP news agency.

Locals said six men armed with AK47s arrived in the village on motorbikes.

It's unclear why Mr Walton was targeted and who the armed group were.

"This American citizen is safe and is now in the care of the US Department of State," a statement from Jonathan Hoffman, assistant to the Secretary of State for Public Affairs said.

He added that no American service personnel were harmed in the operation to rescue Mr Walton from the "armed men".

US President Donald Trump sent a tweet praising the elite special forces.

Niger is battling various armed groups. In August, six French aid workers as well as their driver and local guide were killed by gunmen in the Koure area of Tillebery region, which attracts tourists who want to see the last herds of giraffe in West Africa.

At least six Western hostages are being held in Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso, including the American aid worker Jeffery Woodke, who was kidnapped in central Niger four years ago.

More on this story

Christians are extremely stupid. For example this fucking asshole: The Village Idiot.

"What is the most powerful proof of God, in your opinion?"

The village idiot wrote this:

"The fact that the universe exists, and there is no possible natural explanation for how it came into existence."

Scientists are still working on this interesting problem but not one of them thinks your magic man did it.

The same village idiot wrote this:

"And the fact that I know Him, and live in daily relationship and communication with him."

The village idiot has conversations with his god fairy. The stupid, it burns.

Almost 100% of the time, pawns are promoted to queens. In this chess game I had to promote a pawn to a knight to avoid getting killed.

Indonesia sacrificed his bishop on his 3rd move to get an attack against my King. I didn't want to let him get away with this bullshit but I almost lost.

My opponent was going to checkmate me in one move. There was an interesting way to save the game but first, while my clock was ticking, I had to figure out how to change my preferences and then find out where I could turn off "Promote to Queen automatically". It took me more than 2 minutes. After figuring that out I promoted the pawn to a Knight, then I was able to checkmate my opponent in 4 moves. The time control was 10 minutes to finish the game so I could have lost if my clock ran out.

It's very unusual to have to promote a pawn to a Knight and I didn't think it would ever happen to me.

This is the game. I had the Black pieces.

I asked a question about religious fucktards. Somebody wrote an excellent answer.

Why do religious people try to suppress freedom of speech to defend their beliefs?

Because their claims are goddam retarded, magic, fairytales, magic sky wizards, zombie jews, reincarnation, magical afterlives in the sky, etc. Anyone with an iota of common sense can easily destroy their ridiculous nonsense. That’s why they want to censor people’s speech because that speech exposes their religion as the fraud that it is. It’s funny how they want to censor their opponents when they supposedly are ‘right’ in their beliefs, if they are the sensical and correct ones, wouldn’t they want their opponents to be heard so that people could hear how stupid they are? This is why atheists typically don’t try to suppress religious people from talking, when religious people argue for their religion they’re only exposing how insane they are and discrediting themselves.

-- Anonymous

Belgium is having a bad year as is every country on this planet. A face mask is a good thing. Use it FFS.

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The Washington Post

World Alert

Oct. 30, 2:44 p.m. EDT


Belgium, the worst-hit country in Europe, imposes strict new coronavirus lockdown

Authorities announced a six-week closure of nonessential businesses and tight limits on social contacts as Belgium tries to stave off caseloads that could fill hospitals to capacity as soon as next Friday.
The lockdown capped a week that began with most European countries still trying to resist a return to closures like those in the spring that devastated economies but helped avert an even worse health crisis. This time, Belgium and others are keeping schools open, though the new plan lengthens a holiday break that starts Monday.

Read more

Fucktard Trump has a long history of doing everything he can to destroy the environment.

The Washington Post

Trump rolled back more than 125 environmental safeguards. Here’s how.

President Trump has weakened or wiped out over 125 rules and policies aimed at protecting the nation’s air, water and land, with nearly 40 more rollbacks underway, according to a Washington Post analysis.

By Juliet Eilperin, Brady Dennis and John Muyskens ● Read more »

The universe is trying to kill Turkey and Greece. Nobody cares.

                                                                    The Washington Post


World Alert

Oct. 30, 12:48 p.m. EDT


Powerful Aegean Sea quake claims multiple lives in Turkey and Greece, injures hundreds

The 7-magnitude undersea quake has killed at least six people in coastal Turkey and two people on the Greek island Samos near the epicenter, authorities said. In Turkey, more than 250 people were injured and at least 20 buildings collapsed. Greek officials reported damage to some buildings on Samos and said two teenagers were killed when a wall toppled.

Read more

Map of Greece

I answered a ridiculous question about the dead Magic Jeebus Man.

"Will Jesus Christ return to Earth tomorrow?"

The Magic Jeebus Man dropped dead 2,000 years ago. There is nothing left of him. The worms and maggots ate the whole thing.

One more thing: The Christian retards who think there is a magical 2nd life are insane, not to mention cowardly, gullible, and just plain fucking stupid.

Republicans are anti-science morons.




It's just louder this time

H. Holden Thorp

October 30, 2020

As if there were any doubt that U.S. President Donald Trump has no respect for scientists, he now refers to public health scholars as “Fauci and all these idiots.” That's how he's describing experts in virology, immunology, epidemiology, and infectious disease. Never mind that after recovering from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), Trump suddenly became excited about future vaccines and “Regeneron,” which is what he calls monoclonal antibodies in general. (Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is probably thrilled to have achieved the product-brand status of Xerox and Kleenex, but Eli Lilly also has developed promising monoclonals, and more are in clinical trials.) Apparently, no one told the president that scientists from these same fields—many of whom live in “Democrat-run cities” or college towns and are immigrants who wouldn't be here under his policies—created these drugs and carried out the decades of science that made them possible. This paradox of loving the drug but hating the science is nothing new. It's just louder this time.

Republican presidents were not always rhetorically hostile to science. As described earlier this year on this page, on the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, James Morton Turner and Andrew Isenberg carefully traced how the United States got to this point. In the 1970s, President Richard Nixon worked hard to pass important pieces of public health and environmental legislation that were approved with large bipartisan majorities in Congress. Then, when Ronald Reagan arrived as a candidate in the 1980 election, he advocated teaching creationism in public schools and mocked environmental science and regulation. In his brand of conservatism, the free market and American exceptionalism could not coexist with a shared responsibility for caring for the planet or its inhabitants.

Vice President Mike Pence is carrying on Reagan's tradition. In a widely viewed speech on the House floor when he was a member of Congress, Pence extolled “intelligent design.” He cited a then-recent study of new fossils, which enhanced our understanding of how human life unfolded on Earth, as evidence that evolution was invalid because scientists were always changing theories when new data were obtained. He was criticizing scientists for doing science, as my colleague Jon Cohen recently tweeted. If Pence thinks we can't change our understanding with new data, then we'd have to go back to breathing phlogiston and being orbited by the Sun.

The paradox has played out for years. Many Republicans in Congress have been strong advocates for science funding, especially for the National Institutes of Health, although some simultaneously espouse antiscience views and embrace creationism. Biology is the study of evolution, and biomedicine is applied evolution. Why would creationists spend money to study and apply this heresy? Because they want their new medicines. They want to tell their constituents that they are fighting diseases that are harming their families. Arguing for science funding by promising new cures has been a winning political strategy for the 75 years that the United States has had federally funded science.

A recent survey from the Pew Research Center found that only 20% of the political right has “a lot” of confidence in scientists. Yet when folks at this end of the political spectrum get sick, they want the best treatments that secular academic medicine can provide. The consequences of this are profound and especially apparent in the COVID-19 crisis. The same politicians who are criticizing public health guidance are praising vaccines and antibodies without acknowledging that they come from the same principles and researchers as masks and social distancing.

When the presidential election is over, science will face an important choice. Should the scientific community try to get the missing 80% of the ideological right to understand its people and its methods? Or should science write it off as a lost cause and continue to take the funding while providing the outstanding new medicines?

I found this at the Wall Street Journal. It's about the airhead Biden chose to be his Vice-President.

Jobless Joe comes bearing job losses instead of gains—and doesn’t seem to work very hard himself. He still can’t see why his choice of a running mate was not a mere exercise of his political instincts. Picking Kamala Harris was a studied insult to the American people. He might have chosen anyone—even a male! Instead, his choice is far to the left of Republicans, moderates and nearly all Democrats. Not even Democrats could work up any enthusiasm for Ms. Harris in the primaries. If Mr. Biden wins, Ms. Harris will be forced down America’s throat. If Mr. Biden dies in office, we will be in big trouble. Mr. Biden’s biggest choice so far could hardly have been worse. What does that portend?

Many Democrats, maybe most Democrats, want to pack the Supreme Court. And this is one of the many reasons why I could never vote for their moron politicians like Biden and his airhead Vice President.

Wall Street Journal



Democrats Against Court Packing

A constitutional amendment would protect the judiciary’s independence.

By Jill Long Thompson and Nick Rahall

October 28, 2020

We are Democrats. We want to see Joe Biden become president and Democratic majorities in the House and Senate. But we oppose expanding the size of the U.S. Supreme Court.

An independent Supreme Court is fundamental to America’s system of checks and balances. It’s the only institution that can settle difficult, divisive questions about the meaning of the law in a way that both sides can accept. An independent Supreme Court that interprets the law is critical to the rule of law itself. It sets an example for emerging democracies around the world.

Expanding the court could exacerbate the problems we’re trying to address. A larger court increases the risk of a highly skewed, unbalanced court. The larger the court, the longer it would take to restore a balance.

Whether members of one party have abused their power, changed their position, or broken their word in the process of filling a Supreme Court vacancy isn’t the issue. The history of misbehavior by politicians is long and sordid. It’s also a reason to preserve and strengthen checks and balances, not weaken them.

We applaud the many Democrats and Republicans who’ve opposed expanding the size of the Supreme Court. We urge them to endorse the Keep Nine constitutional amendment, which would state simply: “The Supreme Court of the United States shall be composed of nine Justices.”

Amending the Constitution isn’t easy. Proposing an amendment requires two-thirds votes in both houses of Congress, and it takes 38 state legislatures to ratify it. The Constitution has been amended only 27 times in 233 years. But an active and engaged public helped persuade Congress to propose the Bill of Rights in 1789, the 19th Amendment (guaranteeing a woman’s right to vote) in 1919, and the 22nd Amendment (setting presidential term limits) in 1947. Similar citizen energy could persuade Congress to propose the Keep Nine Amendment. Polling shows that voters favor the amendment by more than 3 to 1.

It is up to engaged citizens and thoughtful elected officials to rise above narrow partisanship and work together to preserve an independent Supreme Court for the future of the nation.

Ms. Long Thompson and Mr. Rahall, both Democrats, are former U.S. representatives from Indiana and West Virginia, respectively.

Appeared in the October 29, 2020, print edition.

Pennsylvania: the state can decide before Election Day whether election officials can continue receiving absentee ballots for three days after November 3. North Carolina: the state’s board of elections will extend the deadline to nine days after Election Day.

A comment I wrote for the stupid fucking liberal assholes at the New York Times:

"The Democrats are going to make the entire nation wait several days before we know who won. This is one of many reasons why I could never vote for a Democrat."

American morons don't wear a mask then they drop dead. Good riddance.

        New York Times


The U.S. has surpassed nine million coronavirus cases, with infections rising in 42 states, as the nation struggles to contain a third surge.

Thursday, October 29, 2020 5:14 PM EST

Across the country, alarming signs suggested the worst was yet to come: More than 20 states reported more cases over the past week than at any time during the pandemic.

Read the latest

I wrote this question for some of the cowardly Christian morons who infest Idiot America.

Christians who wish for a magical 2nd life, are you afraid of reality?

I wrote this comment for the Republican morons who infest the Wall Street Journal.

People who do not wear a mask when they should wear a mask should be arrested and put in jail.

Christians are stupid fucking assholes. I answered a question about these subhumans.

"What do think of Christians?"

I never met a Christian who wasn't a retard.

Christians are cowards. Reality makes them cry.

Christians brainwash children. Their victims learn how to be stupid. All the curiosity they were born with is sucked out of them.

Brainwashing is child abuse. The Christians who do this should be put in prison.

Thanks to Christian scum there is a never-ending war against teaching evolution. Science makes Christian morons cry. Christians are scum.

The wimpy Washington Post and the wimpy New York Times didn't mention this interesting fact: A woman's head was cut off, probably while she screamed. This is a political correctness problem. Liberal scum like to suck up to Muslim scum because it's politically correct to do that.

NICE, France (Reuters) - A knife-wielding attacker shouting “Allahu Akbar” beheaded a woman and killed two other people in a suspected terrorist act at a church in the French city of Nice on Thursday, while a man waving a gun was shot dead by police in a separate incident.

Here is another reason why Muslim assholes should never be allowed to enter civilized countries. Muslims are scum.

The Washington Post

World Alert

Oct. 29, 6:13 a.m. EDT


At least three were killed in a knife attack in Nice, France, in an incident authorities are investigating as terrorism

The attack comes less than two weeks after a gruesome beheading of a middle school teacher who had shown his students caricatures of the prophet Muhammad. The mayor of Nice said the man in Thursday’s attack repeatedly yelled “Allahu akbar,” Arabic for “God is greatest.”

Read more

5 more days

Today is October 29, 2020.

United States Presidential election, 2020/Countdown

In 5 days

November 3, 2020

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

I don't visit "Religion of Peace" very much because it's always the same thing: Muslim morons killing Muslim morons. It's never going to end because stupid can't be fixed.

Religion of Peace

Atrocity of the Week

Children Among 24 Dead in
Bombing at Kabul School

Other Recent "Misunderstandings of Islam"

2020.10.27 (Pakistan)
Hardliners send ball bearings and shrapnel through a rival Quran school, killing eight.

2020.10.26 (Afghanistan)
Four children are liquidated by Taliban bombers.

2020.10.26 (Egypt)
A landmine planted by fundamentalists kills a third-grade student.

2020.10.25 (Egypt)
Islamic terrorists booby-trap homes, killing over a dozen - including women and children.

2020.10.24 (Afghanistan)
A Sunni suicide blast rips through a Shiite education center - and the lives of dozens, including children.

2020.10.24 (Afghanistan)
Four women are among nine bus passengers purged by Taliban bombers.

Somebody asked this interesting question: "Can Jesus Christ fly?"

Can the Magic Jeebus Man fly? I don't think that was on his list of magic tricks.

A copy & paste job

The New York Times

October 28, 2020

Your Wednesday Evening Briefing

Author Headshot

By Remy Tumin and Jeremiah M. Bogert, Jr.

Good evening. Here’s the latest.

Joel Angel Juarez for The New York Times

1. Stocks fell in Europe and the U.S. as investors fret over the impact of the coronavirus pandemic’s new wave.

Oil prices dropped more than 5 percent, and shares of energy producers fared poorly. Even Big Tech suffered: Apple and Microsoft dropped more than 4 percent, and Google’s parent company, Alphabet, slid more than 5 percent.

With the U.S. hitting a record of more than 500,000 new coronavirus cases over the past week, Covid-19 hospital admissions have climbed an estimated 46 percent from a month ago, and many hospitals are reeling. In El Paso, above, Covid-19 hospitalizations have more than tripled over the past three weeks.

Germany is closing restaurants, bars, gyms and other businesses, and France is going into a second national lockdown starting on Friday — all with an eye to keeping schools open.

“The virus is circulating at a speed that not even the most pessimistic forecasts had anticipated,” President Emmanuel Macron of France said.


Jim Wilson/The New York Times

2. Drive-through polling places. Zoom rallies. The coronavirus has upended the 2020 election season at nearly every turn.

The collision of the election and the pandemic has thrown campaigns and early voting efforts into a last-minute frenzy. Above, a voter in San Francisco.


Joe Biden is maintaining a measured campaign pace that, in victory, would underscore his appeal as a safe and steady alternative to President Trump, but that, in loss, would very likely inspire overwhelming second-guessing.

In other news bearing on the election:

Emily Kask for The New York Times

4. “It’s coming fast, it’s coming strong.”

That was Mayor LaToya Cantrell of New Orleans, warning of the approach of Hurricane Zeta at Category 2 strength Zeta is expected to bring heavy rains and damaging winds to a state that has already been clobbered four times this hurricane season.

The storm is expected to move across the Southeastern and Eastern U.S. on Thursday, dumping up to six inches of rain in some locations.

Victor J. Blue for The New York Times

5. Philadelphia is under curfew after two nights of protests over a police killing of a Black man, Walter Wallace Jr. Above, an arrest Tuesday night.

Mr. Wallace, a 27-year-old with a history of mental health problems, was killed on Monday, after the police responded to a call about a man with a knife. In an encounter captured on video, Mr. Wallace is seen walking into the street as two white police officers, backing away, aim their guns at him. Someone yells, “Drop the knife.”

Mr. Wallace appears to continue to approach. The officers fire multiple rounds.

His neighborhood, Port Richmond, has exploded in rage. Dozens of people have been arrested, protesters have looted stores, a police car was burned and 30 officers have been hurt.

Pool photo by Michael Reynolds

6. Big Tech was back in the hot seat.

Chief executives from Google, Facebook and Twitter appeared before a Senate hearing on a law that protects internet companies from liability for much of what their users post, and on how they moderate content.

Democrats focused on misinformation and extremism. They also accused Republicans of holding the hearing to benefit President Trump.

Republicans accused the executives of selective censorship, questioning Twitter’s Jack Dorsey, above, on how the company handled specific tweets. “Mr. Dorsey, who the hell elected you and put you in charge of what the media are allowed to report and what the American people are allowed to hear?” Senator Ted Cruz said.

Omar Marques/Getty Images

6. Tens of thousands of people took to Poland’s streets for a nationwide strike to protest a court decision banning nearly all abortions.

Now in their sixth day, the protests drew thousands of women, joined by numerous men, who abandoned their offices in dozens of cities, including Warsaw, above.

The ruling, made by a top court last week, stopped pregnancy terminations for fetal abnormalities, virtually the only type of abortion currently performed in the country. The protests have turned into a broader expression of anger at a right-wing government that opponents accuse of hijacking the judiciary and chipping away at the rights of women and minorities.

The leader of the ruling party, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, accused demonstrators of seeking the destruction of the nation and appealed to supporters to “defend churches.”

Halldór Kolbeins/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

7. A radical proposal to combat climate change is gaining traction: artificially cooling the planet to buy humanity more time to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

The idea, called solar climate intervention or solar geoengineering, is to inject particles into the atmosphere to reflect more of the sun’s energy back into space, the way ash clouds spewed by volcanic eruptions do.

“I liken geoengineering to chemotherapy for the planet: If all else is failing, you try it,” said the author of a book on the approach.

Several universities received grants to study how it might be done, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is researching. In Australia, the government is funding research for a parallel idea to try to save the Great Barrier Reef: making clouds more reflective by spraying saltwater into the air.